Computer Gaming and Dry Eye

The Digital Dilemma: Computer Gaming and Dry Eye – Prevalence, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

In the realm of digital entertainment, computer gaming has emerged as a dominant force, captivating millions of enthusiasts worldwide. However, with the immersive joy of gaming comes a potential downside that many gamers may overlook – the risk of developing dry eye syndrome. This article from jarvismastermind explores the prevalence, causes, prevention strategies, and treatment options for dry eye in the context of computer gaming.


We searched on Google Scholar database using “dry eye” and “computer” keywords with in the title of papers to get all articles that reported the prevalence of dry eye among computer users.

We found 8 studies (1-8). Comprehensive Meta-analysis software was used for the analysis using random effect model. The prevalence of dry eye disorder was 35% in computer users. 

Causes of Dry Eye in Computer Gaming

Extended Screen Time:

One of the primary causes of dry eye among gamers is prolonged exposure to screens. Constantly staring at a computer monitor for extended periods can lead to reduced blinking, causing the eyes to dry out. This phenomenon, known as computer vision syndrome, is exacerbated during intense gaming sessions where players often forget to blink regularly.

Blue Light Emission:

The blue light emitted by computer screens has been identified as a contributing factor to digital eye strain. Prolonged exposure to blue light can disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to increased eye fatigue and dryness.

Inadequate Blinking:

The Digital Dilemma: Computer Gaming and Dry Eye
Computer Gaming and Dry Eye

Gamers tend to get absorbed in their virtual worlds, resulting in reduced blinking frequency. Normal blinking helps distribute tears evenly across the eyes, keeping them moist and preventing dryness. Insufficient blinking can disrupt this natural lubrication process.

Prevention Strategies:

Blinking Exercises:

To counteract the reduced blinking associated with gaming, it is essential for gamers to consciously practice blinking exercises. Taking short breaks between gaming sessions to blink rapidly for a few seconds can help rehydrate the eyes.

The 20-20-20 Rule:

Adhering to the 20-20-20 rule is crucial for preventing eye strain. Every 20 minutes, gamers should take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This practice helps relax eye muscles and reduces the risk of dry eyes.

Blue Light Filters:

Invest in blue light filters or gaming glasses with blue light protection. These filters can minimize the exposure to harmful blue light, mitigating its impact on eye fatigue and dryness.


Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, including eye health. Gamers should ensure they drink enough water to maintain proper tear production and avoid dehydration, which can exacerbate dry eye symptoms.

Treatment Options:

Artificial Tears:

For immediate relief, artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can be used. These over-the-counter solutions help to moisturize the eyes and alleviate dryness. Gamers should choose preservative-free options for long-term use.

Warm Compresses:

Applying warm compresses to the eyes can help stimulate the production of natural oils in the tear film, improving eye lubrication. This can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing dry eye symptoms after extended gaming sessions.


Prescription Medications:

In severe cases, an eye care professional may recommend prescription medications such as cyclosporine or lifitegrast to manage inflammation and improve tear production. These medications should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare provider.



As computer gaming continues to gain popularity, it’s crucial for gamers to be mindful of the potential risks associated with prolonged screen time, including the development of dry eye syndrome. By incorporating preventive measures such as blinking exercises, following the 20-20-20 rule, using blue light filters, and staying hydrated, gamers can safeguard their eye health. In cases where dry eye symptoms persist, seeking professional advice and considering treatment options like artificial tears or prescription medications can provide relief. Balancing the thrill of gaming with responsible eye care practices is essential for a long and enjoyable gaming journey.



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